Related: The Benefits of an Easy Running Pace How should I run long runs? Pin these half marathon training plans for later! It spurs those biological changes that allow your body to optimize energy production and use, and your mind to keep running even when you’re tried. Long runs are the bread and butter of half marathon training because they teach the body how to endure running for longer time spans. You should train for a half marathon by running at least one long run a week. Related: 9 Running Hacks that Will Make You Run Faster How do you train for a half marathon? More advanced half-marathon training plans will include 2 long runs and 2-3 speed days. Most half marathon training plans will include at least 2-3 easy run days, 1 long run day, 1-2 complete rest days, 1-2 cross-training days, and maybe one speed day. Related: The Scientific Benefits of a Long Run What makes a good half marathon training plan? However, if you are going for a personal record in the half marathon or have a specific time goal, then you will need about three months to train for a half marathon to optimize these physiological changes. If you have been running and have base mileage, you can run a half marathon in less time.

Running a half marathon has become a very popular running goal, so I’m excited to help you with your half marathon goals! I’m going to do this by giving you free access to my 12-week half marathon training plans (below) from the couch to half marathon and intermediate levels.